by brianzig | Sep 21, 2015 | Blog Posts, Events, Uncategorized
It was a great time coming together last night! Thanks for being a part. I’m always so proud of our kids for being involved in a BIG GOD THING like SEE YOU AT THE POLE! It’s so good to be together w/all the other youth groups at the rallies and, then, watch the...
by brianzig | Sep 14, 2015 | Events, Uncategorized
See You at the Pole Sept 20-23 2015 Information T-shirt orders will be arriving sometime this week. All monies are due at time of delivery if you haven’t already paid your $10 per shirt. As far as schedule goes, it is basically the same each night. We’ll...
by brianzig | Sep 10, 2015 | Blog Posts, Uncategorized, Videos
A Son’s Powerful Story of His Mother’s Suicide, Love, Addiction, and Depression #wspd15 In all of my studying, research, and curating on the topic of suicide in preparation for speaking to students about suicide prevention, this story has been the most...
by brianzig | Sep 9, 2015 | Blog Posts, Uncategorized
World Suicide Prevention Day is this Thursday. We’ll be covering this topic Wednesday night. We’ll end the night with a “card”. Simply this, I ask that you come prepared to write something down on a notecard (we’ll have them there) in one...
by brianzig | Jul 17, 2015 | Blog Posts, Events, Important Announcements, Uncategorized
Jerusalem Project 2015 – Information and Updates Friday Update: Cost for Friday Fun Day will be $11.00. In the past JP has offset this cost, but this year the jobs used all the money (plus some). The $11 gets you a movie ticket (Minions starting at 12:00), a...
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